Author: Newsilike

Americans are mostly tired of the news organizations. They perceive news to be serving them only tasteless, negative information, while they could give them access to much more positive information which is happening around the world. Due to this perception of the news organizations, many are boycotting the news mediums altogether. Their belief is that…

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National Handwashing Awareness Week National Handwashing Awareness Week

National Omphaloskepsis (navel-gazing) Week. Most designated national days or weeks are meaningless, and are perhaps promoted and created by special interests. It is fairly well known that Mother’s Day began in order to sell cards and to increase postage revenue. Even when national days or weeks are important and significant then they are important and…

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Are Student Athletes Exploited? 5 Post thumbnail

The answer is that perhaps they are. The question is “Are Student Athletes Exploited?” as shown in the following infograph. The infograph introduces the topic by explaining that in recent years, students, colleges and universities have often been in the news for various scandals and corruptions. It points out that while some students apparently do…

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