Considering the increasing cost of medical treatment, an illness in your family could create a major dent in your pocket. If you do not want a medical emergency to deplete your savings, get a health insurance cover for yourself and for your parents. The sooner you buy family health insurance, the better it is for your finances. You need to plan health insurance for your parents when they are not too old because an increase in age will result in a higher premium amount and will provide a very restricted cover. Here is a list of things to consider when you look for a health insurance policy for your parents.
Multiple plans
With numerous insurers in the market, you can choose from multiple plans. Most importantly, you need to have a plan, which offers maximum coverage and has minimal exclusions. Keep the illness and surgeries of your parents in mind when you buy senior citizen insurance. It is ideal to choose a plan, which has a high sum assured.
Pre-existing diseases
Before you finalize on a plan, you need to check the exclusions that are involved in the case of pre-existing diseases. Parents who are suffering from an illness at the time of purchase of the plan could cover it with a waiting period. Hence, it is important to check the details because your parents might need hospitalization during the waiting period and the insurance company might not accept the claim. The waiting period for different diseases can vary.
Co-pay amount
You need to understand the meaning of co-pay amount in an insurance policy. A co-pay amount is the percentage of the claimable hospital bill, which you will be required to pay. There will always be a co-pay amount in every insurance policy and it is important for you to consider the same before making a buying decision.
Claim settlement ratio
You can easily find information about the claim settlement ratio of a company. It is the ratio of the total number of claims paid to the customers by the company with regard to the total claims made by policyholders. Always opt for an insurance company, which has a high claim settlement ratio.
Single or floater
Choosing between individual health insurance and a family floater plan will make a significant difference to the policy. A family health plan will provide a health cover to your entire family with a single limit, which can be utilized by any member of the family. However, if there is one member who utilizes a large amount in one year, other members will not be able to avail of it. Hence, if there are high risks and the age element involved, you need to choose the single insurance plan and not family medical insurance. For senior citizens, it is advisable to have a separate policy that offers comprehensive coverage. It will also ensure they you remain insulated from each other in terms of risk.
Choosing an insurance policy for your parents requires thorough research and comparison. You need to ensure that you choose a policy, which will cover for the pre-existing illnesses and has a short waiting period. Choose a policy that has a higher sum assured and an insurance company, which has a quick claim settlement process.
This was very helpful! Have been trying to look for the right insurance for a while now!