This fitness infographic designed by gives you enough and more reasons to love your body and improve your life. While the facts are pretty straight forward, they are clearly presented in a very matter-of-fact manner.
Visually, more could have been done to make the graphic more appealing in terms of colour and design. Apart from that though, the information in the graphic seems in tune with the website’s main message: Fitness.
Details like the fact like tongue prints are as unique as fingerprints and that the tongue is the only muscle attached at one end in the human body are just few examples of the totally random but useful facts that this infographic contains.
The human body is a fascinating thing and these facts about fitness help summarise all the important details related to fitness. Did you know that half of your body weight is made up of just one of three different types of muscle tissue? Or that the human body has forty-five miles of nerves? Or that blood gushes through your veins with enough pressure to raise it to five feet in the air? Fascinating and mind-boggling, these fitness facts take some time to settle in a reader’s head.
Scientific facts too, are touched upon in this graphic. Did you know that your brain receives a 100 million nerve messages from your senses every second? That’s right. Everything that you are seeing, touching, smelling and tasting are all coming to you and being experienced by you via millions of signals that are being sent to your brain in no time!
Apart from facts about fitness, the infographic also has fitness tips that would be of help to anyone concerned about their weight and health. Tips like carrying a pair of hand weights while you walk will help you lose weight and burn calories faster and that for every 1 lb of muscle you gain, your body burns an extra fifty calories a day! Insignificant as they might seem, these bits of information can go a long way in terms of helping an average person keep fit.
Finally the visual deals with the notion of the self image versus a person’s real image. Self image is known as the idea one has of one’s abilities, appearance, and personality. These ideas however, might or might not be accurate or rooted in reality many times. A simple statistic from the graphic reveals this to us. While 69% of the men interviewed in the sample believed they were physically fit, a paltry 13% of the said population was actually fit.
Thus we see that while facts about fitness may keep us informed in terms of tips and trends, it is finally dependent on the individual to take up challenges and hurdles in the constant battle for health.
Thus we see that while facts about fitness may keep us informed in terms of tips and trends, it is finally dependent on the individual to take up challenges and hurdles in the constant battle for health.