Statistics show that the average person will come across up to 5,000 advertisements every single day. While many factors can play into this depending on where you live, where you work, what you read, etc. there is no denying that we are now being served more advertisements than ever before.
If you stop to think about it, when was the last time you recall seeing, hearing, or watching an advertisement for a local business? While local advertisements are far from uncommon, they are often drowned out by giant corporations that have the money to spend on widespread advertisements across multiple, more popular platforms.
Small, local businesses often don’t have the means to advertise beyond their local paper, or radio station. To ensure your business is standing out from the crowd, it is crucial that you are implementing local marketing within your business. Local marketing is a hyper-targeted, personal approach at reaching your local audience. If you want to learn more about local marketing, and how you do it, check out our infographic below.
Infographic source –
Thank you, this is very insightful. Google My Business is super important for every business today.