Never work with animals or children.
This was attributed to W.C. Fields, and can be modified to include technology. We are certainly not against technology but information about technology is often outdated by the time it is printed. This is evident in seeing the “Windows 7 Migration Made Easier for Businesses” infographic.
Or maybe not. It is true that Windows 8 came out shortly thereafter, and Windows 10 is apparently making its entrance as we are writing this. However, there was a loud hullabaloo when Microsoft announced that it would stop servicing Windows XP systems, which came out about 14 years ago and was succeeded by Windows Vista (which apparently was universally reviled) about six years later. In other words, Windows XP was not produced for the past 8 years, yet it was still greatly wanted.
We do remember that our laptops had Windows 7, and that it was an intuitive, simple and quick procedure to upgrade them to Windows 8. We assume that similar procedures were available to those who wanted to upgrade to Windows 7 (from Windows XP) or to Windows 8 for both consumers and businesses.
Thus, we do not fully comprehend the need for this infographic (and find it somewhat archaic four years after it was first published), but we do appreciate that it does urge people to upgrade. That is perhaps the one constant when it comes to technology. After all, even this description will seem out-of-date four years from now with its amazement of the “new” Windows 10.
Likes: A very useful infographic for businesses, both medium and large-scale.
Dislikes: None as such.
While Windows 8 might be just around the corner many businesses still need to embrace Windows 7 migration. This infographic outlines how to make that happen.