And do not forget Michael Schumacher.
There is a section in the “Use Your Head” infographic which shows the deaths that were (apparently) caused as a result of not wearing a helmet while skiing. However, although one death specifically states that the victim was not wearing a helmet, the other two deaths do not have that clarification.
The entire infographic is perhaps (or perhaps not) made weaker by focusing on helmets while skiing. The infographic was originally published in the winter season so it is somewhat logical, acceptable and understandable that there was this focus. However, we feel that it could have been much stronger and better if it had also emphasized (or, at least, alluded to) the need for helmets in riding bicycles, driving a motorcycle or scooter, riding a horse and other activities. Our nephew was recently injured while riding a motorcycle and, although we have not seen him since his accident, the harm was apparently made worse by the fact that he was not wearing a helmet.
Regardless, we did find the section on the helmet usage by age to be surprising and intriguing. The stereotype (and perhaps the truth) is that young people feel that they are invincible. Yet, it is shown that people under 30 years of age overwhelmingly wear helmets. Perhaps this is because they acknowledge that they are not yet fully experienced, but it is still fascinating. At the other end of the spectrum are those who are over 60 years of age, of whom less than half wear helmets. Perhaps they are trying for an early death?
Likes: In addition to the helmet usage, we like the “Sizing a helmet” section and found it helpful.
Dislikes: Nothing to dislike here.
In order to help raise awareness of the life-saving capabilities helmets can provide. Essential Travel created this infographic, as part of our Use Your Head campaign, to inform all wintersports enthusiasts about the benefits of using a helmet.