This infographic displays a timeline which covers some of the key milestones in mobile technology and how it has impacted the way modern companies run their business.
This infographic also covers some interesting data which uncovers that 98% of small to medium size businesses use mobile technology in their operations as well as that 66% of small to medium size businesses have publicly stated that it would be a major challenge to maintain their business without mobile technology.
Ten years ago, the smartphone was in infancy, tablet computers as they are today did not exist, and most business was conducted in person or in ways that seem tedious today. The access to business information and applications through mobile devices has grown exponentially, and there is no sign that this will stop. Apple’s iPhone and iPad running iOS and smartphones running Google Android are dominating the mobile business market, due to their flexibility and ease-of-use.
Firms around the world are now seeing how the mobile revolution will change the workplace. Meetings can be conducted in real time, with attendees residing in countries thousands of miles away. Multinational business have much to gain. Reduced travel costs, greater efficiency, and easy access to terabytes of information are already fundamentally changing the way businesses operate. Mobile technology is making these businesses more profitable. In a fast-paced world, employees are increasingly wanting to work for more flexible companies. The mobile revolution may give employers an edge in making their workplaces more desirable and in retaining talent.