SEO Checklist for Website Redesign

seo for web design

Anyone considering Web Design & Development will be faced with the prospect of it potentially affecting their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) performance, and thus impacting their Ranking. If carried out inefficiently, you stand to lose in multiple ways.

Hence, it’s imperative to keep in mind a checklist of all necessary SEO procedures, before proceeding with web design or development. This is regardless of your prior SEO experience and includes all steps necessary to implement a successful online marketing strategy. Conveniently divided into four categories, the infographic checklist by Digitrio includes to-do lists for Pre-Design, During Redesign, Pre-Launch, and Post-Launch, which can be used as a referral at any stage during a website revamp.

By following this extensive checklist in a correct manner, one can also look forward to improving their rankings significantly, and thus reap multiple benefits at the same time. Maintaining and improving search performance is crucial for those who want to set a sturdy foundation and boost their visibility. A checklist that includes everything from Re-defining or Creating Keywords to Image Optimization, Sitemap Creation, as well as Monitored Ranking helps you carry out all necessary procedures in a systematic manner. Get closer to your Ranking Goals with the essential checklist for site redesign and development! [via –]

SEO Checklist for Website Redesign

1 Comment on "SEO Checklist for Website Redesign"

  1. This checklist comprises all key points in the time-consuming process of website redesign that makes it the irreplaceable thing. Thanks, I will probably use it in my work.


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