You likely did not know that when someone gets hurt while working at the job that many, many people are affected. First we have the employee themselves. The employee suffers by losing wages, facing low morale, and on many occasions, suffers from depression. The employer also suffers. How? The employer suffers by losing productivity of their injured employee, and they also suffer from the costs associated with training a new employee to fill the injured workers shoes. This is usually a big drain on the businesses productivity, employee morale, and profitability. The employer also takes a hit on higher premium for their workers’ compensation insurance. Naturally, since their was an injury on the job, the already expensive insurance premium goes up.
There are several occupations that have high mortality rates. Some examples are labourers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, miners, farmers and construction workers. These are also some of the occupations that contribute most to the overall cost of workers’ compensation claims. Some additional occupations are janitors, lumber jacks, millwrights, prison guards, meat cutters, and office workers.
There are many factors that affect whether or not a business has a higher rate of employee injuries than would be considered normal. The main reason is safety training for all employees. Is the employer training every employee on the merits of on the job safety? Have all newly hired employees gone through safety orientation training? Have all employees had job specific training prior to starting their work with a given company? Have all employees had refresher safety training on an annual basis at a minimum? If the answer is “no” to any of these questions than an employer has a much higher chance of having a work related injury. The key factor in reducing these work related injuries is requiring day one safety training for all employees. If they do the training, they can avoid these costly on the job accidents and injuries.
The True Cost Of Work Related Injuries – An infographic by the team at