
Medicine Then and Now Medicine Then and Now

Medical technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past few decades.  From lifespan to vaccinations, we’ve seen huge improvements in how our health is managed today. has created an infographic entitled, “Then and Now: From 1950 to Today” detailing the progression and improvement of medicine and medical technology in the last 60 years. Back in…

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Teaching with Tech Teaching with Tech

Learning disabilities and special needs can be challenging for parents and educators.  Thinking outside the box, and coming up with new ways to implement learning is a constant process.  Educators are beginning to discover that traditional learning methods, including worksheets and textbooks, leave students lacking.  Thanks to technology, students are now learning-and retaining-more information than ever before. has…

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Gate to Garage - Pick a Mood for the Room Gate to Garage - Pick a Mood for the Room

There are millions of colors in the world and the amount of combinations you can make is endless. When the time comes for you to choose paint colors for your home, it may be a bit overwhelming at times. One way to narrow down your choices and make your decision a little easier is to…

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You likely did not know that when someone gets hurt while working at the job that many, many people are affected. First we have the employee themselves. The employee suffers by losing wages, facing low morale, and on many occasions, suffers from depression. The employer also suffers. How? The employer suffers by losing productivity of…

Read More The Real Costs Of Work Related Injuries

product_recalls product_recalls

Chances are, you or your family have received a product recall notice in the mail.  In fact, over 50% of individuals in the United States own an item that has been recalled.  While many of these product recalls go unheeded the families that own them, they are a serious matter that should never go ignored.…

Read More Why You Should Never Ignore Product Recalls

Addiction is an epidemic that transcends every race, age, and lifestyle.  Whether its painkillers, uppers, or downers, millions of individuals struggle with this crippling disease. As addiction worsens, individuals will go to desperate lengths to satisfy their craving.  Thankfully, however, each day, addiction sufferers are choosing to seek treatment.  But what are their options? has created an infographic…

Read More Antidotes for Addiction