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You may have heard the stat that StumbleUpon drives more traffic referrals than any other social media site. This infographic done withStumbleUpon  by Columnfivemedia sheds some light on the topic by describing the lifecycle of a web page in StumbleUpon, especially how long you could expect the average web page to keep getting visitors.  …

Read More The Lifecycle of a Web Page on StumbleUpon

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Over the past five years China’s renewable economy has been steadily growing and has now taken the first place spot over the U.S. This infographic done by Columnfivemedia with 1Bog, looks at how China is kicking our American asses around the electric grid; from investing in clean tech to their active construction of wind farms and photovoltaic…

Read More Why China Is Kicking Our Ass In Clean Tech

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From on-site laundry service to made-to-order sushi, the following companies offer their employees some serious perks. But do all companies know what their employees really want? This infographic done by Columnfivemedia with Mindflash, seeks to answer that question.

Read More Workplace Incentives — How Are Companies Keeping Their Talent?