Furniture tipping doesn’t come across the minds of most parents. Thousands of children are injured every year as a result of a tumbling piece of furniture. Check out this infographic named “The Stats about Furniture Tipping”, which gives insights about the tipping furniture and its safety.
Every hour, a child is hospitalized because of television tipping over. Injuries include traumatic as well as abdominal injuries. Furniture Tipping is caused because of the improper stand used for the television set while shifting. Sessions regarding the prevention and awareness of the tipping furniture should be conducted for parents. Falling furniture accounts for 52% of injuries while falling televisions are associated with 62% of fatalities.
Most parents do not think of furniture and televisions as dangerous hazards to their children, but these startling numbers are making them change their mind. Learn more about Furniture tipping from the infographic and discover the best ways to keep your child safe! [via]