Though Twitter started the same year Facebook started, Facebook still remains the widely used social platform amongst all users. From the first five million users to twenty million users, twitter is famous amongst celebrities, sports personalities, a variety of industries, televisions channels, etc. In this well designed infographic titled, “The Meteoric Rise of Twitter” you will see the metrics and the rise in popularity of twitter amongst users across the world.
Chris Messina introduced the popular hash tag symbol to differentiate individual and group tweets. Many popular Hollywood Actors like Aston Kutcher have more fan following than any other popular television channels. Though blogging networks such as Myspace already existed, twitter made microblogging more popular and convenient.
All people do is provide a blog link and descriptive text and the URL occupies very small space that is easy to fit into the text box. This made twitter a very popular microblogging social network. You can share your photo journals, blogs, retweet anything that interests you, etc on twitter.
Twitter measures unique visitors only once. That is, if you have visited twitter many times, your first visit will only be recorded as a unique visitor. This keeps the count of twitter visitors authentic and reliable. Twitter is only one step short of Facebook in popularity.
Read about the rise and popularity of twitter compared to the other social networking site, Facebook.
Information depicted very well visually, nothing to complain of.