“Since the late 1800’s, the automobile has been an American staple in households. From its debut with Henry Ford’s Model A, to next year’s Corvette-cars have always captured America’s attention. But it’s not always been smooth seas for American automobile manufacturers. Bizbrain.org has created a very informal infographic about the history of the automobile, entitled, “The Life, Death, (and Life) of the U.S. Auto Industry”.
1916 saw a huge change in America-the passing of the Federal Aid Road Act. This act provided $75 million of Federal money in 50/50 matching funds to the states; up to 6% of the roads statewide over a 5 year period. Less than one year later, every state would have a Highway Agency to assist in managing the funds. In 1924, Henry Ford debuted his family friendly Model-A vehicle, with a price tag of $260. This price would be equivalent of around $10,000 today.