Twitter is a micro blogging social platform that can be used for both, personal as well as business purpose. A few people prefer following up news updates on Twitter, because it reaches there faster than any other broadcast media. In this infographic titled, “Should You Have A Twitter?” you will get a clear picture whether Twitter is for you or not.
If you are a brand, an individual, or a celebrity, there is always something constructive you could do with your Twitter account. You could send funny quotes, use appropriate hash tags when you write something as short as one hundred and forty characters and post it in your Twitter account. You can follow Twitter accounts of your interest, ranging from technology, news, celebrities, brands, etc. You can also tweet about your product updates so that users and customers who follow you will be able to get the latest updates.
Twitter is not a place to have OCD tweets about the personal and intimate details of your life. Also, if you can’t keep it up to the limited number of characters, then Twitter is not for you. You could choose Facebook or any other blogging platform where you can do lot of writing and updates. Also, if you don’t Tweet frequently, and log in only once in a blue moon, then Twitter is not for you. If most of your tweets are related to your business or something useful and constructive for people to read, then, Twitter is definitely for you.
A good infographic on whether one should or shouldn’t have a Twitter account. Beautiful design.
None as such.
More than 100 million people have flocked to Twitter since 2006, sharing stories, insights, and cat pictures. But is Twitter really for you? Follow the steps Column Five Media created with Flowtown below to determine if you or your business really need to have a Twitter account.