Rubik’s Cube Solved in 20 Movements or Less

If you love playing with Rubik’s cube, then this infographic will give you all interesting facts about who invented the Rubik’s cube, a bit about three dimensional geometry principles, and also how playing the Rubik cube can enhance your visualization and give you insights into the field of construction and architecture.

This infographic titled, Rubik’s Cube Solved in 20 Movements or Less, explains how to solve the Rubik’s cube in twenty or less steps. Since the invention of this cube, till date, there has been no modification or enhancement in its design principle or working of this cube. This cube has inspired an art movement, political, fashion, and other industries related to construction, ideation, logic, and innovation.

Though this is made to be a toy, people of all ages get engrossed playing it. It only takes a genius to solve the puzzle of this cube. Manufacturers who deal with precious stones, have created the most expensive Rubik cube that contain diamonds, rubies, emeralds, gold, and amethyst. Such is the craze of Rubik cube that it engages just about anyone trying to solve the puzzle. Even Google and many other researchers used this cube to create algorithms. Though the craze started in the late nineteenth century, its curiosity has never died overtime.


Has lot of interesting information about Rubik cube and also explains simple moves to solve this puzzle.


None as such, unless and until you are not interested in the Rubik cube.

Rubik Cube Infographic


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