Profile of Social Media Manager

A social media manager is not a call center trainee who will answer or direct business calls. A social media manager is more of a strategist who will appropriately liaise with different divisions of the company and help maintain the image and reputation of the brand. In this infographic titled, “Profile of Social Media Manager” you will see with clarity the real role of a social media manager in a company.
Many who are new to the digital world might have a very vague idea about social media professionals. It is not about maintaining Facebook and Twitter pages alone. It is also about creating online branding and promotional strategies for businesses. He/She is an evangelist who knows how to promote the values of a company through out-of-the-box thinking.
A social media manager does not handle customer complaints but creates strategies to create an awareness about a brand towards them. A social media manager is also a part of the business development and is also responsible for creating social media apps for the brand. He/she also monitors and administers PR and marketing concerns and provides analysis of consumer trends for specified products. These analyses are based on real time customer ratings and experience about a variety of similar products.
A clear infographic about the role of a social media manager in any company and how it is different from that of a customer service representative.
None as such. It may seem too bland with the absence of any charts or graphs.

Profile of Social Media Manager 1


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