More than half of young people have been subjected to someone lying or writing unfair things about them on the Internet. Insults on the Internet are becoming increasingly common. A survey commissioned by the Swedish Data Inspection Board shows that one out of five has experienced someone else using their identity, and 29 per cent of the queried girls say they have been subjected to sexual harassment on the Internet. Eighty-six per cent have published photographs of themselves. The one solution of this problem is given in the below info graphic titled “How to know when to be offended on the internet”.
However, there is a great deal of resistance to others publishing photographs without asking permission, but 30 per cent have been subjected to this. The majority of young people queried in the survey say that parents have very poor insight into their children’s Internet activity. A comparison to that survey indicates that more young people are consciously concealing their Internet activities from their parents.
Behavior that involves risk does not seem to be attributable to lack of knowledge; rather, the problem seems to be a basic attitude to personal integrity. If we are to change attitudes, everyone must help: decision-makers, teachers and especially parents. Everywhere you go on the internet, there’s this sense of outrage. Everybody is upset about everything! But, like, couldn’t we possibly be using that energy for something that’s worthwhile instead of just being upset about inconsequential things that probably have no bearing on our lives at all? This info graphic is profoundly devised to help you understand whether or not your outrage is warranted. Check it yourself.
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