You may not realize it, but you owe a large percentage of your electricity bills during the winter season to heating and air conditioning. It is true that one simply has to have these comforts during the time of heavy summers and winters. But is there any way that these costs can be cut? The answer is yes! This infographic “Money saving tips for winter” will tell you how to save money on your electricity bills during this holiday season.
You might already be having a lot of expenses to bear. To buy gifts for your loved ones, to spend money on parties and social events and some on yourself in the spirit of the season – these are all things that are for granted in this season. But there is one way which you can save your money – that is by cutting costs of your electricity bills. Why pay more when you can smartly save away some?
The infographic offers some neat tricks like setting your ceiling fans to turn clockwise to push the warm air back down, using a programmable thermostat set to 62 degrees and LED Holiday Lights. A central heating & air conditioning system can account for more than 40% and as much as 55% of your electricity bill on an average. If you cut back on this then you can cut back on the whole.
Likes: Short and crisp points that address the issue cleverly.
Dislikes: Additionally graphics could be employed to make it visually appealing.