Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using Photovoltaic’s (PV), or indirectly using Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). This solar power is used for many purposes as normal energy requirement in our day to day life like water heating, battery charging etc. Generation of the solar power could be possible with no constraints on money.
The below shown infographic named “Make Your Own Solar Power Generator” is a fantastic simple guide to make your very own Solar Power Generator. It helps immensely to make a Solar Power Generator to save our energy bills. The explanation of the materials and methods used are finely put up on the infographics for the making of the generator.
The infographics crisply explains the method to connect the given materials and generate power. The Solar power generated can light appliances up to 150W, which is used for many purposes. Finally it also depicts some safety precaution which is very important while making your own generator.
So, buck up guys and start making your own generator to reduce your electricity bill and this infographic will definitely help.
Likes: The way the infographic depicted the method to connect the materials for making generator is excellent. The graphics shown also is very informative.
Dislikes: For connecting the materials like batteries we require many safety precautions but very few are mentioned. It is very important to add more safety precautions when working on power generator.
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