What is a distraction, and why does it cause accidents? According to the “Distracted Driving Statistics” infographic, even thinking (daydreaming and expressing strong emotions) is a distraction. The infographic does excel at providing the results of such driving, but does not explore the reasons why there is such a thing as accidents and, more importantly, why it seems to be occurring at an increasing rate.
The author seems to want to imply that it is these very distractions that cause the accidents. However, we have read and seen other authoritative sources that distractions may not necessarily be the cause, but a result of something else.
The theory is that safety itself is the cause or, at least, our perception and response to it. In the past few decades, we have been wrapped around seatbelts and airbags. We have been lulled into a false sense of security. The hypothesis is that if these were taken away, then we would concentrate far more in driving, and this would in itself prevent such distractions and to ensure proper driving.
Regardless, we did appreciate the wealth of statistics presented in this infographic. We were shocked to learn that watching a video is common. We cannot fathom people who profess to be intelligent would engage in this activity (in other than a self-driving car).
Likes: The plethora of information. There is enough to study intensely. Good layout and design.
Dislikes: The facts seem to concentrate only on America, but other than that its good.
View national statistics on driving distractions, what drivers are at the highest risk, common distractions and the percentage of injury crashes reported to have involved driver distractions.
Infographic by CompareAutoInsurance.com