Omega 3 fatty acid is the unsaturated fatty acid that affects eyes, joints, skin, heart, and brain. It shoots up the metabolism in the body and keeps the mind active. A good amount of absorption of this fatty acid in the body lowers the blood pressure, and also lowers the abnormal heartbeat. It also reduces the inflammation of joints and remedies conditions like arthritis. It even boosts your memory by 23%.
In the infographic titled “Everything You Should Know About Omega-3 and Fish Oil”, you will see that foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids stabilize mood. It also protects eyes from muscular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. It improves the quality of skin and keeps your hair shinier. When you take omega 3 fatty acids, acne and blemishes on your skin clear up.
Though fish oil is considered to be good, chances are it might also be contaminated with toxic chemicals like arsenic, lead, mercury, furan, etc. Therefore, when you read the labels of fish oils that say 1000mg Fish oil, it usually contains only 30% omega 3 fatty acids and the rest of the oil contains fat that your body does not need. The maximum nutrients of good quality fish oil are found in herring, mackerel, sardines, and anchovy.
These cold water fish oils are more effective and have a high concentration of DHA and EPA which is found in the soft gel capsules of omega 3 fatty acids, which reduce joint pains. Fish oil and eating fish gives you a better overall health. So, you can eat salmon, tunas, and remedy conditions of asthma, depression, ADHA, etc. Foods that are naturally rich in omega 3 fatty acids are walnuts, flaxseeds, canola oil, soybeans, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sea plants, winter squash, are rich in these fatty acids.
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