Credit Report: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Credit Report
Surprisingly, 65% of adults have never checked their credit report, and 60% of those adults have never viewed their credit score.  Your credit score says a lot about you, and it can impact some of the largest purchasing decisions in your life. has created an infographic exploring how your credit score can affect your financial picture.
Ignoring your credit report can also leave you unaware of mistakes that could drop you into a lower credit score bracket.  In fact, a Federal Trade Commission study in 2012 found that 25% of consumers found errors on their credit report.  20% had an error corrected by filing a dispute. 80% of those individuals that filed a dispute saw a modification to their reports, 10% found a change in their credit score, and 5% had a score increase of up to 25 points.
Credit Report

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