
smartphones smartphones

Smartphones are basically just a pocket-full of features just waiting to be explored. Even though you have downloaded all possible apps on your phone, there may be some things which you still haven’t discovered. Check this list to know what: You can change the launcher of your phone: Almost all smartphones come with built-in launchers,…

Read More 4 Modern Smartphone Hacks You Probably Didn’t Know About

Benefits of Multi-channel Live Chat Benefits of Multi-channel Live Chat

Every online business needs conversions and in order to do that they invest in multiple areas like SEO, PPC and more so that they can get more and more potential customers on the website. But the job of these different channels is to send targeted audience, converting them in to paying customers is still a…

Read More 5 Hidden Benefits of Multi-Channel Live Chat

Nokia Nokia

This infographic produced by Tiger Mobiles shows the best selling mobile phones across the globe since 1996. Discover which was the most popular handset each year since then and how many units it sold. The Nokia 1110 holds the title as the worlds best selling mobile phone, shipping over 250m handsets back in 2005. Nokia…

Read More List of 18 Best Selling Mobile Phones in Last 20 Years

The India enterprise mobility market is expected to grow from US$ 1.7 billion in 2015 to US$ 2.3 billion in 2017. This radical growth is due to the explosion of smartphone users in India and the time they spend on the internet. Below is an infographic with some interesting data points on smartphone usage in…

Read More How Smartphones driving Enterprise Mobility in India

“Web Design Trends To Look Out For In 2015” is a trendy infographic which is all about web trend introduced in 2015. This is one of the unique infographic in it’s own category best responsive data visualization with highly graced graphic designed. It contains all web design parameter and it’s evolution from 90’s to 2015.…

Read More Web Design Trends To Look Out For In 2015

The two tech giants Google and Apple are regularly updating their mobile OS versions Android and iOS respectively. Both companies include various unique features in their mobile platforms whenever they launch a new version. Because of several features sometimes users get confused and not able to decide a suitable mobile OS. He is not able…

Read More Android Lollipop vs iOS 8: A Detailed Features Evaluation

offended on the internet offended on the internet

More than half of young people have been subjected to someone lying or writing unfair things about them on the Internet. Insults on the Internet are becoming increasingly common. A survey commissioned by the Swedish Data Inspection Board shows that one out of five has experienced someone else using their identity, and 29 per cent…

Read More How To Know When To Be Offended On The Internet

home theater home theater

A home theater is a theater built in a home, designed to mimic commercial theater performance and feeling, more commonly known as a home cinema. Today, home cinema implies a real “cinema experience” at a private home. The most common fallacy about audio is good sound is good sound. Movies and music have very different requirements, so…

Read More Propel Your Movie Watching Experience