
Top 10 Tools for Keyword Research in 2019 1 Post thumbnail

The way you use keywords can determine whether you succeed in your content strategy. Keywords normally reflect current trends in the way people search for content. therefore, if you use keywords properly, the chances are that you will attract readers to your site. But getting the right keywords is not a walk in the pack.…

Read More Top 10 Tools for Keyword Research in 2019

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This infographic provides an overview of our recent research around the reality of the risks of operating workloads in the cloud.This research uncovered more than 21,000 container orchestration and API management systems on the Internet, highlighting the potential for attack points caused by poorly configured resources, lack of credentials, and the use of non-secure protocols.…

Read More Containers At-Risk: A Review of 21,000 Cloud Environments

Invest in Real Estate Invest in Real Estate

Online trading in real estate, long prevalent in developing countries, is picking up in India. The Indian real estate sector, following a boom in the 1990s and 00s, has become part of the investment portfolio of most HNIs and even mid-level investors. Investment in India is undergoing a series of radical changes, with sweeping amendments…

Read More Looking to Invest Online in Real Estate? Consider SmartOwner First

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What would happen if you had invested $1,000 in some of America’s most iconic companies right before the start of the financial crisis? Today’s chart looks at how you would have fared. Using big names like Starbucks, Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Coca-Cola we look at stock performance since 2007. [via]

Read More What $1,000 Invested in These Companies 10 Years Ago would be Worth Today