Carbon, a much awaited short film, starring Jackky Bhagnani and Prachi Desai, in the lead roles released on Monday. Written and directed by Maitreyi Bajpai and Ramiz Ilham Khan, the film has Nawazuddin Siddiqui in a cameo. The movie is set in 2067, in an earth where Carbon is the gas in abundance and Oxygen is supplied by industries.
While water is a long bygone dream, oxygen is a trillion-dollar industry in the future. Bhagnani plays a man with an artificial heart and and smuggles illegal oxygen. Prachi Desai is a robot named Pari, who is supposedly more humane because she doesn’t know she is a robot. And, Siddiqui plays the role of a man from Mars and is a contract killer.
The plot is interesting, but the characters are unrelatable. The first 15 minutes is grippy and support the plotline. The film’s directors eventually tries to stir the emotion and manage to touch the emotional cord of the audiences. What works in favour of the film is its haunting music by Salim-Sulaiman and also the background music by George Joseph.
The presence of Nawazuddin Siddiqui is worth watching to the viewers. The face-off between him and Jackky with their guns pointing at each other is exhilirating. If you feel for the environment and you are all up for the global warming, the subject of Carbon may just appeal to you. The best part of the film is that you need not go to the theatre to see this as it’s available online. A recommended watch for nature lovers.