The term freshman refers to a students in their first year of study. Generally, these are the years we tend to “find ourselves”. The infographic by Citizens Bank generically describes what an average college freshman is like. Painting a picture of the average freshman is certainly nothing short of a daunting task. This fall, roughly 2.1 million will embark on college careers. However, as the cliche goes, each individual is different in his or her way. This infographic on the average college freshman ties together some of the common traits that bind most college freshman.
The graphic is essentially a collage of averages and percentages that help describe freshman students. College is about a lot of things – sports, knowledge, activities, relationships etc. The one thing that we leave with college however is a marksheet. Grades are solid proof of why we go to college – to study, learn and imbibe information. This is also why some people drop out of college, those dreamers and rebels who see books as non existent contributors in their goals. We can understand the average GPA score, average ACT score and average SAT scores of freshman students in the first section of the graphic. Next up, the average yearly college tuition is mentioned – there is a stark contrast in fees between public in state schools and both public out-of-state and private college. The reasons for this though are not mentioned and would have been helpful to know. The next sections on admissions and campus life have some interesting facts. 76% of freshman were accepted in their first choice of college – this is quite a startling revelation. Another interesting fact is only 14% of people prefer to study more than 500 miles away from home. These are probably the truly experiential types for whom college is not just about studies, but also the experience.
All in all, an extremely clean, simple and informative infographic from the guys at Citizens Bank for people who want to know more about college freshman