Did you know the average American spends one year of his/ her life looking for lost or misplaced items?
Ask me, I have lived most of my life in a cluttered home. Closets are always full, drawers refusing to shut, phone is always lying beneath a pile of books, and dust is the grand décor.
Waking up in the morning is painful itself but when you have clutter staring at you, it just starts your day off on the wrong foot. You wake up looking for your keys or your phone or even your wallet and it makes you anxious even before you’ve left the house! So getting rid of clutter in your home is the first thing you need to do to de-stress.
In fact, home organization is one of the most universal stress triggers, according to a recent online survey. Eighty-four percent of stressed Americans say they worry that their home isn’t clean or organized enough, and within that group, 55 percent called it out as a source of recent stress. So
42% of home-owners experienced more anxiety when their houses were messy or cluttered. Research has shown clutter to raise levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and in the workplace, excess clutter can result in decreased productivity and unprofessional behaviour.
So Clutter will limit your brain’s abilities. Researchers at Princeton University’s Neuroscience Institute discovered that “the chaos restricts your ability to focus”. The clutter also limits your brain’s ability to process information.” Not to mention it’s a lot easier to breathe without all that clutter and dust gathering.
Getting rid of clutter also eliminates 40% of housework and makes room for other things – imagine being able to park your car in your garage!
Bringing order to your home could also save you money. 23% of American adults acknowledge they had paid bills late and racked-up fines simply because they couldn’t find their bills. And there’s another bonus: At least one out of five times you are bound to find hard-earned cash laying around in your pockets or your drawers.
But the biggest advantage of a clutter-free home is its resale value. A survey by HomeGain.com shows that clearing the clutter will cost you only $402 but the return on investment is a whopping a 403 percent!! So if you are looking to sell your house which is currently a mess, buyers will get distracted by too much disorder and may not be able to see past the dirt.
Need more motivation? Check out the cluttered infographic below. I’m sure it will give you enough reason to spend that Sunday getting rid of the things you don’t need. And once you have a clean, relaxing space, you’ll want to keep it that way. Produced by SpareFoot.